Cursed Biological Magic
Dear friends,
I am aware that I was unable to produce some good article for you in the previous issue & I am deeply sorry for that. I was actually working on a topic, which is of course this month’s topic for my article, which is so complex & yet so essential that I wanted you all to know about it. That’s why I took my time to simplify it for you. So, here’s that bizarre topic called “Biotransmutation”. Without much discussion I’ll straightaway start explaining it.
Essential Chemistry-
For understanding the topic you don’t need to be a rocket scientist. Your basic chemistry will help you understand that Reactants A & B work together in such a way that they generate Products C & D. Now, in this transformation, the total mass & energy is conserved meaning mass of A & B put together equals that of C & D, same is true for the energy. Before moving further, a look at the atomic structure will bring you more closer to the core issue of the topic.

We know that the atom, fundamental hero of every movie called “Chemical Reaction”, is made up of positively charged buddies namely Protons, neutral Neutrons & negatively charged Electrons. Out of them protons & neutrons are sitting in the nucleus region happily while electrons are continuously encircling the nucleus.
Till here, everything goes peacefully. But here on rules of the game change. Now each proton is supposed to harbor not just these 3 subatomic entities but each one of the atom needs to make sure that in its outermost orbit there are either 2 or 8 electrons present. Any atom that doesn’t possess 8 electrons in its outer shell is barred from entering in the party of STABLE ATOMS. So, every atom either tries to donate the electrons to some other needy fellow, or share the electrons so that it can safely join the club of stable atoms.
The concept-
A biological transmutation is defined as a nuclear transmutation occurring in a living organism. Such transmutations are strongly believed not to occur according to mainstream physics, chemistry and biology, however proponents of the hypothesis claim to have empirical evidence that they do. Louis Kervran claims to have conducted experiments and studies demonstrating phenomena such as anomalous increase in calcium and decrease in magnesium levels during the synthesis of egg shells and anomalous excretion of magnesium. He formulated the biological transmutation hypothesis as an explanation. For example, one of the claims is that biological organisms can transform Potassium into Calcium via the addition of one hydrogen nucleus: K39 + H1 = Ca40. None of the fissioned elements would be travelling at high velocity since biological organisms lack any mechanism to do this. The environment would not have neither high pressure nor high temperature since no biological organism could survive the required pressure and temperature, not even for extremely short periods of time. This amounts to having a nuclear fusion reaction in a low energy environment, which would go against basic physic laws.
Opposition- Since these anomalies are not observed by mainstream science the foremost challenge to these claims is that the evidence is flawed. The "anomalous" evidence is either the result of experimental error or intentionally falsified. Even if the evidence was reliable the biological transmutation hypothesis does not fit within mainstream theory. According to current models nuclear reactions, such as transmutations, requires large amounts of energy per particle. The required energy density is far larger than the energy densities manipulated by known molecular biology systems which function of the scale of chemical reactions. In addition, known nuclear reactions produce ionizing radiation, which has not been detected and would be damaging to biological systems.
Orthodox physicists say that all chemical reactions are subject to physical laws, and biological reactions are also chemical reactions, thus they are subject to the same underlying laws of physics. Orthodox chemists say that these transmutations go against the laws of orthodox chemistry. The current evidence for transmutation is not convincing. This is what I call the curse to this wonderful phenomenon. If transmutation was ever reliably proved and replicated, then a paradigm shift would happen, and all natural sciences would have to be changed to adapt to the new evidence. Scientists laboring in alternatives fields like biological transmutation have the hope that one of the basic principles of physics happens to be wrong, and that their works causes such a paradigm shift, giving them personal fame, and advancing the scientific knowledge by a huge degree. In 1993 Kervran was awarded an Ig Nobel prize due to his "improbable research" in biological transmutation. The Ig Nobel Prizes are an American parody of the Nobel Prizes and are given each year in early October for ten achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think".
The work on this phenomenon is not so nascent. Scientists began meddling with it right from the 17 century. On the scientific websites, & journals you would find many articles & references related to this mechanism. As I’ve already mentioned, the problem with this topic is the absence of convincing amount of evidences. But I think it is in our nature that while dealing with the hard facts of science, we sometimes tend to be so stubborn. We are so reluctant to be open-minded & might just miss the open secret, science wants us grab. I don’t know how much I’ve been successful in conveying this topic to you. You may not even get a thing of my article. But at the end of the day I would be more than happy if a little bit of respect is generate in your mind about a scientist- Louis Kervran- who worked so hard throughout his life & whose work was totally ignored labeling it to be a Pseudoscience (theories put forth claiming to be scientific but are not scientific at all, fake science).
Well, with the progress of the nuclear & radioactive physics, new experiments are coming up to prove this so called pseudoscience. I am happy to claim that I am also involved in one such experiment. I don’t know if it will succeed or not. Nonetheless, it gives me immense pleasure to work on one of the greatest mysteries in the science. Task is so herculean that our efforts might just fall short but they will definitely pave the way for future work in this field. That’s all from me this time…!! Your doubts & questions are welcome.
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